
Friday, March 16, 2012

Victory for the strikers of Coca Cola-3E in Greece

The company tookback all its demands

According to the press release of the Hellenic Federation of Employees in the bottled drinks industry (POEEP), the strike ended today after the union of employees at Coca Cola 3E stroke an agreement with the management. The meeting took place in a hotel in Thessaloniki and the agreement was ratified unanimously in the afternoon by the Union General Assembly in the factory premises.

The press release of POEEP includes the following:

THESSALONIKI, 15/03/2012

A great workers’ struggle, initiated by POEEP found justice after 43 days of harsh industrial action. Today, Thursday, 15 March 2012, POEEP and the executives of3E agreed in:

-Stopping immediately the imports of products of the 3E Group from Bulgaria
-Restarting the operation of the company in Thessaloniki with its entire staff.
-The company binding itself in not taking advantage of the labour legislation in Greece that makes it possible for companies to break current collective agreements and reduce wages.
- making every matter that affects directly or indirectly the employees the object of a prior dialogue between the employees and the management.


Today, Thursday 15 of March 2012, we, the strikers of Coca Cola gathered in the factory premises and after we listened to our Federation’s agreement with the management (the four points above), we decided to end the strike. We promise that we will show unity and solidarity to every managerial attack against our colleagues. We thank all those who stood by us, our colleagues in the Bottled Industry sector, all the workers and unions in Thessaloniki and the local community. WE ORDER the management to make this resolution known to all officials and interested parties, including trade unions and the media. Order is given by the strikers.

For the management

The President the Secretary General

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